We stock this product in our Nebraska warehouse. Most of our shipments are by FedEx Ground or Home Delivery and you should receive your order in five business days or less from ship-out.Click herefor more information about shipping.
Because the product on this page is small and light, it may be able to be shipped for $8.00, depending on the following factors.
1.) First, remember that the item will ship for no more than $10 to 48 states even if additional items are in the order.
2.) The product on this page is small and light enough that it will be shipped by first class U.S. Mail for $8.00 shipping & handling if it’s ordered alone or with other items that total under 11 ounces (product and retail packaging weight) and which can all fit into the first class mail envelope.
3.) The actual shipping & handling charge for your total order will be visible during checkout, before the payment step. Whenever combined sizes and weights allow, we will send small items at the special $8.00 rate.