All American pressure canners make it easy to can fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits. These canners come in a range of sizes to suit the beginning or experienced canner. Model 910, the smallest, will hold 7 pint jars or 4 quart jars and model 941, the largest will hold 32 pint jars or 19 quart jars. All American pressure canners are made in the USA and Pleasant Hill Grain is proud to offer them to you.
Safe and Healthful
Today's pressure canners are very different from the canners of a generation ago. The design of early canners wasn’t always good enough to prevent dangerous explosions of steam. At the time, people pressure-canned foods because they didn't have easy access to supermarkets, and many grew their own produce and raised animals at home. Thanks to pressure canning, they were able to save their garden-fresh food to eat throughout the year. Now we're realizing the health benefits provided by preserving our own food and great safety features have been added to the pressure canners available today. Pressure canning may seem intimidating but the instructions that accompany All American pressure canners clearly show you every step.
Tight, Locking Action Seal
TheAll American cannershave a secure locking action to align the base to the lid for a tight seal. This locking feature is metal on metal, so you can remove the lid easily once you have released the locking screws. The features of our canners assure that you’ll be able to heat low acid foods to the required 240 degrees necessary to kill heat-tolerant bacteria.
Basics of Pressure Canning
Pressure canning removes oxygen, destroys enzymes and prevents the growth of micro-organisms. Low acid foods don't have the acidity to prevent the growth of the bacteriumClostridium botulinumand must be heat processed in a pressure canner. Start with fresh and healthy products; discard any that are diseased or moldy. You can use either metal cans or glass jars for pressure canning. Metal cans require special sealing equipment, can only be used once and are more expensive to use than jars. Jars must be made of glass to withstand the heat and pressure; mason-type jars are the best. They’re available in different sizes and even come in decorator styles for gift-giving. Mason jars can be used over and over but must be checked each time before use to make sure there are no hairline cracks in the jar or chips in the rim that would prevent an airtight seal. You can buy mason jars with a regular or wide mouth. To seal the jars you'll need a metal screw band and the flat metal lid. The bands can generally be used multiple times but the flat metal lids should be used only one time to ensure proper sealing. Canners can also be used for hot water bath canning of high-acid foods including fruits, fruit juices, jams, jellies and other fruit spreads, salsas, tomatoes with added acid, pickles, relishes, chutneys, sauces, vinegars and condiments. Pleasant Hill Grain also offers
to successfully can your own foods in your home kitchen.Choosing a Model
Pressure cooking large cuts of meats, vegetables, grains, soups and stews can also be done in All American canners. A size is available for every need, from beginning to experienced user. The canner sizes are model 910 which holds 7 pint jars or 4 quart jars, Model 915 which holds 10 pint jars or 7 quart jars, model 921 holds 19 pint jars (double stacked) or 7 quart jars. Model 925 holds the same number of jars as the 921 but holds more liquid (this this is helpful when using the canner as a large stock pot or for pressure cooking). Model 930 holds up to 14 quart jars.
Model 941 is the largest unit and holds 32 pint jars or 19 quart jars. Models 921 through 941 come with a second rack for double stacking. One rack is always placed on the bottom of the canner because jars or cans should never stand directly on the bottom of the vessel.
For pressure cooking the amount of liquid each cooker holds varies with the model. Model 910 holds 10.5 quarts, model 915 holds 15.5 quarts, model 921 holds 21.5 quarts, model 925 holds 25 quarts, model 930 holds 30 quarts, and model 941 holds 41.5 quarts of liquid.
The 21.5 quart 921 model is the most popular size, and isnow available in several beautiful colors, in addition to the original satin aluminum finish.
All American pressure canners provide a safe method for canning, save you time and money, and help you prepare nutritious, healthy food.